Hi Everyone!

If you follow me on social media, you’ve probably seen a few rumblings and teasers, but it’s now time to update the blog with official news.

To prepare the way for my July 3rd launch of HIRED TO KILL, I decided to break out some fireworks a little early and do a full website revamp. It’s a first day of spring launch, and my web mistress Jaye Rochon has given me her full blessing to encourage you to drop her a note if you encounter any issues. Feel free to look around and give us your thoughts. I think Jaye did a terrific job.

Speaking of HIRED TO KILL, it’s now available for pre-order! See below for a synopsis and purchase options. I’m getting incredibly excited to share this new adventure with you. And so is Nathan! 😉

That’s about it for now! See you all out on social media, and right here when I’ve got something newsworthy or muse-worthy to post.

Cheers & Happy Spring!

NEW – July 3rd, 2018!

In this fast-paced thriller, special operative Nathan McBride battles the most treacherous enemy he’s ever faced—and the one hitting closest to home.

After simultaneous deadly terror attacks on San Diego and Washington, DC, hammer the nation, Nathan learns that the mass murders weren’t random events—they targeted his family.

And the threat is far from over. Part of a larger plot involving a sabotaged North Korean bioweapons facility and an ISIS training camp in northern Mexico, a third attack—bigger than 9/11—is being hatched by cold-blooded killers.

With the US Border Patrol and the CIA supporting the mission, Nathan teams up with longtime family friend Vincent Beaumont, the CEO of America’s largest private military contractor.

In a harrowing firefight, Nathan’s assault team will have to neutralize the terrorist cell, recover the weapons of mass destruction, and get them safely across the international border. The lives of thousands are at risk as Nathan weighs his lust for revenge against the most crucial part of the mission—taking the ringleaders alive—which might just cost him his life.

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